This comprehensive online course includes everything you need to get started quickly, safely, legally and successfully online
For all types of fitness sessions and instructors, including PT's
Includes tech, health and safety, music and insurance legalities, taking payments, marketing suggestions and more
Not technical? No problem! The course itself is a click/tap to view and includes a step by step quick start for complete beginners and 'technophobes'
Visuals, audios and transcript notes throughout to aid different learning styles
Already teaching online? Great! Get short cuts, tips and confidence you have all the health and safety and legalities covered and bonuses to move you forwards
Sample resources you can edit/brand and print to help you comply with regulations and avoid litigation!
Supplier recommendations and discounts worth more than the cost of the course included
Accredited by CIMSPA for 1 CPD point
100% tax deductible for self employed instructors too!
Start today, 247 access for 6 months - plenty of time to get teaching online!
Enter your bullet points here..
" I highly recommend this as a resource for someone starting out on their journey to instructing online, and for those already established, as a 'check list' on good practice." James
"Excellent course. I liked the way that if you were already familiar with a certain aspect that you could skip to the next bit, but if you needed more information you could go more in depth." Karen
"Great content, covers everything you need to get started. Very well presented. I wish i'd had this 4 months ago" Lloyd
" Highly recommended! There are lots of little tips on things that you would not normally need to consider in a live class in a gym setting and it pulls together everything that you need to know and consider, in one place." Karen
" A really great module with lots to think about. I already use Zoom a lot, but there were some tips which were new to me and good to know" Richard
"The best part for me was the fact it is addressing issues with music and insurance which can be confusing. It is an excellent price and with the current discount is an absolute bargain." Barry
& set yourself up with a profitable and covid-proof income stream!
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